Mythic Costume Box

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Costume Previews

Mythic Costumes Notes

This box can only be acquired from within a Legacy Costume Box. The drop chance is 0.50% and always comes with a Mythic Costume Token. 3 of these can be exchanged with Premi in the main office for any one of these costumes.

You can obtain Legacy Costume Boxes through the Silvervine Exchange System, Old Blue Boxes, and the Spare Card headgear.

Mythic Costumes

Mythic Box Preview
Bear Candy Cart (Middle) bearcandycart.gif
Black Ribbon Beret (Upper) Blackribbonberet2.gif
Cosmic Connection (Garment) cosmicconnection.gif
Guardian of Abyss (Lower) guardianofabyss.gif
Heart Stick Chocolate (Garment) Heartstickchocolate.gif
Interdimensional Rift (Middle) interdimensionalrift.gif
King Schmidt's Insignia (Lower) Kingschmidtsinsignia.gif
Marin Pattern Hat (Upper) Marinpatternhat.gif
Rotating Gears (Garment) Rotatinggears.gif
Sun Emperor Wings (Garment) sumemperorwings.gif